Patient Participation Group – Minutes of the last meeting



Fordhouses Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group Meeting Minutes


13:00 PM

Marsh Lane Site


 (SP) Patient Representative

 (PW) Patient Representative

 (CN) Patient Representative

 (JP) Patient Representative

SKR) Practice Representative

Welcome and Introductions – Practice Manager SKR introduced herself to all members. All members gave their introduction to each other. SKR informed all members that practice have got 3 new reception staff joined practice team recently.

SKR gave a presentation on current appointment system and procedures for managing DNA’s and availability of e-consultation using our website.

CN highlighted that not all patients find technology easy to access and prefer to see the GP rather than speaking to them on phone or use e-consultation. She also mentioned that phone messages seem to be very long for patients.

SKR confirmed majority of appointments at Fordhouses Medical Centre are face to face, Telephone and e-consultation are available for the group of population who would like to use that service. With regards to phone messages being too long SKR explained that we try to direct patients based on their needs. The options on the phone messages are particularly designed to ensure all areas for which patients can call are covered.

SP discussed patients not feeling comfortable when asked to give reason they would like the appointment for. SKR said patients do not have to give the reason if they don’t want to. The main reason for staff to ask the reason is to ensure that patients are not coming for admin work like a supporting letter or form to be completed etc. Additionally, to ensure, the clinician they are being booked is able to deal with the problem they are coming for. SKR said she will include this in practice team meeting and re-fresh staff on this to ensure all new staff are aware of this process.

SKR Presented the Friends and family report for 2023-2024. Mostly patients have been satisfied with the service. SKR explained the process opted by practice for Friends nad Family and use of text messaging system called Accurx. All patients who recently visited the practice are sent an Accurx message to take feedback about their experience. At the end of the month this data is collected and submitted to NHS England. At Fordhouses Medical Centre the outcome of Friends and Family Test is on practice team meeting agenda for the following month’s meeting. Practice value all the positive feedback and try to maintain the standards but the main focus is on the negative comments or experience and an action plan is discussed if needed with all team members.

SKR explained all members of various other roles available at the Practice to help reducing GP Workload. Mental Health Practitioner, First Contact Physiotherapist, Health and Wellbeing coach and cancer co-ordinator. CN suggested to summarise all these services and display on noticeboard to make all patients aware of these roles and their availability within the practice. PW suggested if we could also add them to out digital patient information screen.  

JP and PW mentioned that it is really good to know about these services and their availability at GP Practice. But they think the basic service which will make things easy for the practice is blood test. JP mentioned for elderly patients who are not familiar with the technology giving them a link to book appointment is not helpful. SKR said in most cases when an elderly patient is booking a blood test with our team and mention they are unable to use link staff book their appointment. JP said this could be helpful. SKR said she will add this in the practice meeting agenda for October to ensure that all new staff are aware and old staff is refreshed with this arrangement.

SKR said practice is starting the flu vaccination clinic from 3rd October this year. And also, that practice is administering the RSV vaccination to the eligible patients.

SKR suggested to have a dedicated email address at the practice that can be used dedicated to Patient Participation only and patients who would like to join this group virtually can do that. SKR said she will give feedback in the next meeting.

Also to promote the Patient Participation Group Practice has got posters but PW suggested if we could also display messaged on the Patient Information Screen.

Next Meeting will be conducted in 8 weeks and is provisionally booked for 14/11/2024